New Theatre Oxford

Accessible Seat Photos and Ratings

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  • Accessible Seats Without Photos

    Stalls X8, Stalls X10, Stalls X14

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    Getting into the Venue

    The New Theatre Oxford main entrance is situated on George Street, with a drop-off point located next to the theatre. The foyer and box-office are step-free and there is also level access through a side entrance on Victoria Court.

    All sections of the theatre must be reached by steps, although a customer and wheelchair accessible lift is available to take access patrons down to the Stalls. Alternatively, there is a small flight of steps leading down to the Stalls. This venue is not accessible for scooter users.

    Customer Assistance

    Staff are on hand throughout the venue for patrons who require assistance. Those who wish to transfer must do so into an aisle seat in the Stalls and must also bring a companion. Wheelchairs and walkers can be stored in the cloakroom for the duration of the performance.

    An at-seat service is available for those who are unable to access the bars. Staff must be notified if this service is required. Those who need to use the wheelchair-friendly customer lift to reach the Stalls will be assisted by a dedicated access usher.

    There are accessible toilets in the main foyer and front right-hand Stalls.

    How to Book

    For those who wish to book wheelchair spaces, it is important to book well in advance to guarantee availability and notify the theatre of any special requirements. Discounted tickets are available for access patrons and one companion, with the price of the tickets depending on the show booking.

    For further information, ticket bookings and assistance please call the access line: 0333 009 5399 or visit

    Section Accessibility


    The Stalls are accessible via 6 steps down from the theatre foyer, which is level access from the street. All steps are clearly highlighted and have handrails. Alternatively, the Stalls can be reached by a wheelchair accessible lift operated by a dedicated access usher. Once inside the auditorium, there is a gradual slope to reach each row.

    A wheelchair bay is located in X7-15 at the rear of the Stalls. There is room for up to 4 wheelchair users plus their companions, who will be seated on moveable chairs. Those who wish to transfer into fixed seating should do so in the Stalls.

    Extra legroom can be found in seats 4-14 and 32-42 of Row J. Legroom in this section is very good.


    The Circle is accessible via 15+ steps up from the main foyer. Steps are highlighted and handrails are in place. The customer lift cannot access the Circle. Once inside the auditorium, there are steps to reach each row.

    Legroom is good within this section.


    The Balcony is accessible via 25+ steep steps up from the main foyer. This section cannot be accessed via customer lift. All steps are highlighted and have handrails in place. The Balcony is clearly signposted. This section is not recommended for those with limited mobility.

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