206 Dress Circle Photos
SeatPlan members have added 206 Dress Circle view from seat photos to help you book all Alexandra Theatre tickets. Help us get a photo from every seat - add your photos.
- Dress Circle A241 review, 1 photo
- Dress Circle A251 review, 1 photo
- Dress Circle A272 reviews, 2 photos
- Dress Circle A321 review, 1 photo
- Dress Circle A362 reviews, 1 photo
- Dress Circle B162 reviews, 2 photos
Dress Circle Guide
The Dress Circle is the second tier of seating, located above the Stalls. With a seating capacity of over 400, seats are split into five blocks of various sizes, divided by vertical aisles that run down the section. Rows become wider toward the front of the section, reaching 40 seats per row. There are steps to reach each row.
Seats 1-3 and 38-40 are restricted in Row A, due to the curve of seating that cuts off some action onstage. The Grand Upper Circle overhang kicks in around Row G, but does not affect the view in the rear rows of the section.
There are no safety rails to obstruct the view at the front, although seats 34-35 of rows G-J may suffer slightly from a thin safety rail. Legroom can seem slightly more limited in this section. Sitting in the front of this section allows you to feel close to the stage.
The Piano Bar is available down 15+ steps from the Dress Circle. All steps are highlighted and have handrails in place. An at-seat service is available.
Women’s and Men’s toilets can be found on the ground floor level, down 15+ steps.