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King's Theatre Glasgow
Grand Circle

206 Grand Circle Photos

SeatPlan members have added 206 Grand Circle view from seat photos to help you book all King's Theatre Glasgow tickets. Help us get a photo from every seat - add your photos.

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  • Grand Circle Guide

    The Grand Circle is the second tier of seating, located above the Stalls. It is a smaller section, divided into two blocks of seating by a central aisle.

    Rows curve around the stage and become wider towards the middle, with the longest row seating 42 people. Legroom is very restricted in the front few rows, but this is counteracted by the exceptional view of the stage.

    Seats are well-raked, ensuring a good view throughout the Grand Circle. The acoustics are renowned for being excellent at this theatre.


    A bar is level with the Grand Circle seating.


    Women’s and Men’s toilets can be found on this level.

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