412 Circle Photos
SeatPlan members have added 412 Circle view from seat photos to help you book all Milton Keynes Theatre tickets. Help us get a photo from every seat - add your photos.
- Circle AA52 reviews, 2 photos
- Circle AA61 review, 1 photo
- Circle AA81 review, 1 photo
- Circle BB61 review, 1 photo
- Circle CC51 review, 1 photo
- Circle CC61 review, 1 photo
Circle Guide
The Circle is the second tier of seating, located directly above the Stalls. A similar capacity to the Stalls, the Circle seats over 500 people in one large block of seating.
Rows are widest towards the front and centre, with the longest row reaching 49 seats. There is no aisle. The Upper Circle overhang begins at around Row G, but has a limited effect on the view in the rear rows, although this may slightly affect seats towards the ends of rows.
Legroom is standard throughout and seats are comfortable and modern. Good views are available due to the rake of the seating and the relatively low safety rails.
The Piano Bar is available on the ground floor of the building and is accessible via 15+ steps down from the Circle or via a lift. At-seat services are only available in the Stalls.
Women’s and Men’s toilets can be found level with the Circle.