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Golden Theatre
Front Mezzanine

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63 Front Mezzanine Photos

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  • Front Mezzanine Guide

    The Front Mezzanine is a small section of around 110 seats, elevated above the Orchestra in the same balcony as the Rear Mezzanine. It is split into two blocks of seating divided by an aisle; each block has just four rows, and at their longest measure 14 seats across.

    A good rake in the Front Mezzanine means overhead views of the stage are generally decent, providing a great vantage point to enjoy the action from a distance. The best seats to take advantage of this are in rows A and B, although rows C and D are also great options.

    With slightly cramped space for taller patrons, the best legroom in the Front Mezzanine is available on aisle seats, which aren’t negatively affected by an angled view.

    The Golden Theatre Front Mezzanine has two transfer seats with folding armrests, although as they are located up three flights of stairs with an additional two steps down to each row, may not be suitable for patrons with very limited mobility.

    Left Mezzanine

    The Left Mezzanine comprises odd-numbered seats ascending from 101 on the inside to 127 at the outer edge. Rows run from A at the front to D at the rear. Sightlines in this section are very good overall, with mainly clean, elevated views of the stage available from every seat. Those towards the inside such as 101 or 105 are more central, but the outer edges are not too far across either. Space can be tight however, so anyone wanting extra legroom is best served by an aisle seat. Seats in the back row and far side cost less, with prices increasing the closer patrons get to front and center.

    Right Mezzanine

    The Right Mezzanine has even-numbered seats from 102 to 128, left to right. There are four rows from A to D, with views across the section impressively clear. Whilst the inside of rows A and B are premium, patrons can find good value seats a bit further to the side and rear of the section. Space can be tight however, so patrons looking for good legroom without compromising view can take advantage of any seat on the aisles. Prices are highest in the premium front row, with cheaper options towards the back of the section.

    SeatPlan’s best views of the stage

    Rows A and B offer excellent elevated views of the stage for theatergoers who prefer to sit at a distance.

    Best legroom seats

    Aisle seats offer the most legroom in the Golden Theatre’s Front Mezzanine, with little negative effect on sightlines.


    • The best and premium seats are in rows A and B
    • Outside aisle seats aren’t too angled and can be good value
    • A safety bar can slightly distract views from row A
    • Views are clean and elevated across all four rows


    The front few rows of the Front Mezzanine seating are most expensive for their direct and very clear views. Prices here do not vary wildly from middle to end so it is best to sit as centrally as possible. Prices are cheapest for the section in the back and sides.


    There is a bar located on this level which serves a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Prices can quickly add up, so consider setting a budget before you go.


    Restrooms are located in the lower lounge, down five flights of stairs (47 steps). These serve the whole theater so may get busy quickly at the intermission.

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