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London Palladium
Grand Circle

1878 Grand Circle Photos

SeatPlan members have added 1878 Grand Circle view from seat photos to help you book the best Evita tickets. Help us get a photo from every seat - add your photos.

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  • Grand Circle Guide

    The Upper Circle is slightly larger than the Royal Circle and is divided into three blocks of seating. Due the curve of the section, seats at the ends of the rows can feel restricted with a side-on view.

    A safety bar obstructs the first two rows, but this is reflected in the price of tickets. Legroom is quite limited and the section can feel quite distant from the stage.


    A small, narrow bar is available on this level, without seating.


    There are no toilets on this level. Men and Women’s toilets can be found 30+ steps down from the Upper Circle.

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