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Palace Theatre
Dress Circle

551 Dress Circle Photos

SeatPlan members have added 551 Dress Circle view from seat photos to help you book the best Harry Potter & the Cursed Child tickets. Help us get a photo from every seat - add your photos.

Dress Circle Guide

The Dress Circle is relatively intimate, providing the best overall views in the theatre. This section is divided into two blocks of seating by a central aisle, which can be good for those who require extra legroom. The Dress Circle is not too distant from the stage.

The curve of the Dress Circle causes restrictions at the ends of rows A-C, which should only be purchased if discounted. Row J should be avoided, as seats in this row are heavily restricted. The Grand Circle overhang affects the back rows in this section, cutting off the top of the stage.

Legroom is very bad in this section, due to the curve of the balcony. There is no safety rail to restrict the overall view, which means that clear, unobstructed views can be found towards the front and centre of this section.


The Dress Circle bar is level with the seating, with additional seating available.


Women’s and Men’s toilets can be found just off the Dress Circle bar.

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