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Cambridge Theatre
Upper Circle

1094 Upper Circle Photos

SeatPlan members have added 1094 Upper Circle view from seat photos to help you book the best Matilda the Musical tickets and Showstopper! tickets. Help us get a photo from every seat - add your photos.

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  • Upper Circle Guide

    The Upper Circle is significantly larger than the Dress Circle and is split into an upper and lower section by a wall. The front section provides the best views and feels closer to the action. The back section is fairly restricted, due to the distance from the stage and the severe rake, which causes views to be obstructed by other audience members. It would be advised to avoid this section, however these are the cheapest seats in the house.

    A safety rail runs along the front of the section, which may restrict the view for smaller audience members. The Upper Circle can feel quite distant from the stage, and lighting rigs may also cause some obstruction. Legroom is limited on this level, although seats are also comfortable.


    There is a bar on the same level as the Upper Circle, with very limited seating.


    Men’s and Women’s toilets can be found on the Upper Circle level.

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